Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Beautiful Faith

Today, I wanted to write about my beautiful friend Wendy. She has truly been an inspiration to many of the people around her. We admire her God given courage, strength and unwavering faith. In her I have seen that verse truly come to life "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

Early on this year she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. From day one she never doubted what God could do in her life, in fact she embraced it as a way that God was using her life to bring glory to His name. I have seen God through her this whole time, in that smile that has never left her face.When I see her smile, all that comes to mind is how beautiful faith makes her look. Beautiful peace of God just radiates through her. Not only has she been an example of rock solid faith, she has been a living testimony of how great and powerful God is. Only God can give you peace, strength and faith to believe in His healing power in the midst of a terrible illness. Her life has made God, that much more amazing to me. I mean He has been amazing in many aspects of my life, but her example is just another proof of the powerful and faithful God we serve. When we put our complete trust in Him, no matter what, He shows up, He fills our life with exactly what we need to make it through the storm. He is so faithful and never leaves our side. He is there, taking care of our every need.  Just speaking to her and hearing of all the things God has done throughout this time, it's amazing to see how God has set everything into place, how He has provided for her every need. God always stepped in the perfect time and worked in ways that you know it had to have been God, no one else. It just amazes me the fact that God takes care of every little thing, even before we can even think about it. His faithfulness to a heart who truly believes in His power and word is amazing. 

Romans 8: 28 says "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" I know this trial in her life has not only been for her good (God works in mysterious ways!), but it has been for the good of those around her. Her example has blessed us in many more ways than she can imagine, through her, our own faith and trust in God has grown and been strengthened. She has taught us to walk in peace through the storm and smile because you see the victory ahead! She has taught us the power of faith! She has taught us to believe unconditionally! She has taught us the power of a surrendered heart and life to Christ! She has taught us that God can give you peace and strength to get through anything! Her beautiful life has been an example of the POWER OF PRAYER! I'm thankful that she has so valiantly and peacefully been a vessel that God is using to show His mighty power.  I praise God for what He has already done in Her life! What a powerful God we serve.

Thank you Wendy for the Beautiful Faith we have seen radiate through you!

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

For Such A Time As This!

Esther 4:14 - For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

This is truly one of my favorite scriptures since from like - BIRTH. Esther had a choice to make, to be used by God, fulfilling her life's purpose, or to perish without having accomplished absolutely anything for the Kingdom of heaven.

Esther was passing through the defining moment of her life, if we read a little bit before verse 14 we will see that Esther had her doubts that she, even being queen, would be able to complete God's purpose for her life during this time. But then the words of the wise Mordecai in verse 14 caused her to change her attitude! She did not want to die without having lived trying or completing her purpose in her lifetime! Then we see her saying…."if I perish, I perish"….she preferred to die trying and making her mark in her lifetime than doing nothing at all.

There are times when we come to a life-defining moment, where we need to make the decision to choose the calling or ignore it.
Each of us have a Godly purpose and plan for our lives. It is Gods desire that all of us to obey this calling, whatever it may be. But as the verse shows above, don't think that if you don't accept the calling on your life, the church will come tumbling down! Out of elsewhere God will chose another willing human being, to carry out his plan.  His plan will not get destroyed if we choose not to obey the calling on our lives, his plan will still be carried out but by another vessel.

There are many reason why we sometimes choose to ignore the voice of God but there is one particular reason which seems to ring time and time again in people I've come across. The reason is unable. In our minds we don't think we are capable enough to carryout God's plan and don't view things in the spiritual perspective! And guess what? You're right, we aren't capable enough on our own but with God (spiritual perspective) we are! God is not looking for "capable" people, he's looking for willing people. Why? Because our capabilities come from Him alone and no one else, so that only HE can get the glory……..2 Cor. 3: 5 - Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God… trust that your capacity to complete such a task will come from above.

For this hour, for this time, for this purpose you were created! You are on earth at such a time as this to complete a purpose now! It is not a coincidence that you are alive and well during this generation! You know what you were called to do. Don't ignore the voice of God when He calls for you, complete your purpose, if not, someone else will.  Don't turn your back on the privilege that God is giving you to use you for His glory.

There are people who work so hard to leave a their mark, legacy, footprints in this world! How great would it be if this generation would rise up and with the same passion and MORE to leave their mark, legacy and footprint in the spiritual realm. That truly the enemy could tremble everytime we wake up because he knows we are on a daily mission to complete our calling! All of God given ministries end in one great goal, winning souls for His Glory.

It would be great that when we pass away, we may be remembered for the impact and difference we made in the Kingdom of heaven. But most of all that God may be pleased in the life that we lived for Him. "And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work." - Revelation 21:12
A preacher once said," take care of God's business and he will take care of your business."  - Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. - 1 Cor. 15:28
The time to start is now, will you obey the calling…Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

The Word: A Light That Shineth in a Dark Place

We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts
2 Peter 1:19 (KJV)

If I could paint a picture of this verse, I would draw a woman reading the bible with her hand on her heart, with a tear rolling from her face, and the open bible would just be glowing with a powerful shining light.  That is the mental picture that came to mind when I first read this verse. I tried to draw it but I’m just not talented in that area at all!!

I love what this scripture says, the writer is advising us to pay attention to the Word of God and allow it to shine in the darkness. The word provides light, understanding and revelation to our lives. First, to be able to obtain Salvation and secondly to show us how to live our lives according to God’s will.
The word is like a mirror that allows us to see all of our faults on the inside which need fixing!  It shines a  light in all the dark parts of our heart and it convicts us to change. There have been many times that I have read the word of God or heard a sermon and had an immediate stirring in my soul causing me to reflect on certain areas of my life. This path is all about growth, every day, we are not perfect but we are striving daily to grow as we read the word, as we pray, as we get closer to Him, we notice things in us that need changing. It is possible to change, it is possible to grow, His word is powerful enough to do that in us! As we get closer to Him, His light shines in all the dark places in our life and shows us where we went wrong, and how we can fix it.  The word always provides a way, it guides us and gives us the tools we need to grow in Christ. God thought of everything! His love and mercy are shown throughout all of His word. I’m thankful for a God that cares about my spiritual health, because He wants me to make it to heaven one day, He wants me to meet Him one day! If that light didn't shine on certain areas of my life, who knows where it would lead me, maybe broken and away from Him,  if I didn't allow Him to work on me like a pot in the potters hands!

Sometimes It’s hard to admit our faults, our sin, our weaknesses but I’m thankful that word still causes an affect in me and sheds a light on things in me that I would rather keep in the dark but are best for my sake, that I deal with it!  If the word didn’t cause anything in me it would mean that I have drawn so far away from Him that He can no longer speak to me. I don’t want that ever!  I want my heart  to be a good ground where His word can bear fruit. “But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. Matthew 13:23”   

I’m thankful for God’s word and the many things it does to my soul! In it I have found hope, refuge, comfort, mercy and overall love! Beautiful, merciful and faithful Love!  You can find this and more if you also allow your heart to be a good ground where His word can bear fruit!

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Abound in the Fruit of the Spirit

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." Galatians 5: 22-23

I think we all have some favorite passages in the Bible. It's true no scripture is better than another, as they all provide life and truth, but sometimes there are certain scriptures that stand out for us the most. One particular passage that I've always loved is Galatians 5. I remember the first time I really studied the Fruit of Spirit thoroughly was because I was going to give a bible study based on them. As I was studying them, the Lord started speaking to me and stirring my soul. We need to abound in fruit, abounding in the fruit is part of the growing up process of every Christian.

The past few years, I've included this passage in my prayers, I've asked the Lord for Him grow in me and in my church so that we may abound in the Fruit of the Spirit. I've come to realize that asking God to help you be more like Him means He will test you to see (and for you to see!) if you have abounded in those particular fruits.The testing is not always easy to get through but when you go through it and don't react carnally, it is satisfying to see that you can overcome obstacles in the Spirit. Tests and trials are much easier to go through when we abound in the fruit. When we learn to love those that offend us, when we learn to have peace and faith in the midst of the storm, when we learn to let our pride go and be meek as He was.

Everyone is at a different point in their Journey with Christ and some might not be there quite yet, still struggling to follow this path, but as we begin to grow in Christ our maturity is shown through our fruits. It is important that we die to the flesh daily! That we allow the Spirit and its desires to grow and that we (our ego/our desires) decrease so that God may increase in us. The more He Increases in us, the more we will be like Him. The more He shines through us in our character, the more credible our witness to others will be. Abounding in the fruits can be a great witnessing tool, when others see the goodness, love and mercy of Christ through our words and actions.

It is my desire that God and others may find my life abundant in the Fruit of the Spirit! Let it be yours too!